The Truth About Wireless Speakers
Jul 25, 2016
Posted by: Orb Audio
"Wireless" speakers are in the news everywhere, but what's the catch? How about this - there's no such thing as a wireless speaker!!
Those popular Sonos speakers? They plug into the wall. Wireless rear speakers- same thing. The ONLY thing you can do that is truly wireless, is to send the SIGNAL around the room, or throughout the house using wifi, to a self powered speaker or mini amp and speaker. ALL speakers need power to move the cones and make sound. Unless your speakers have internal batteries, they will plug into something.
When you buy a "wireless" speaker, all you are really doing is replacing speaker wire (which is low voltage) with a full voltage electric wire.
So how can they advertise as wireless? We don't know. But we do know that it's easy and safe to run speaker wire, it also sounds the best.